Sunday, 29 March 2009

How is Jesus relevant to us today? Part 2

I shared part 1 of this talk in February.
We were asking how Jesus is relevant to us today. We asked whether there there has ever been a time, or whether there will ever be a time when Jesus will not be relevant as Jesus is an eternal being. He has always been and will always be.
We are also eternal beings, but our disobediance to God (sin) cannot enter heaven. Jesus was and remains God's answer. He comes to free us from the consequences of sin and too allow us to become who we are supposed to be.
Questions that are relevant to our lives:
Have you ever felt that you are on a road to becoming someone that you don't want to be?
Do you feel guilt about things that you have done in your past, and those things shape the way that you think about yourself?
Jesus doesn't want to condemn you and make you feel guilty, He came to earth for those who wanted to change. He chooses to forgive and forget the past. He allows you to become a new creation. The Bible says... 'Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.' 2 Corinthians 5 verse 17.
Your past does not need to determine Your future.
Jesus takes care of the wrong you have done by taking it upon himself. Pete Greig calls it a blood transfusion with Jesus. He gives us His Spirit so that we have His power too change, we are not changing in our own strength. As we allow His spirit to burn within us and change us, we begin to take in His Characteristics which are: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control.