Friday, 13 February 2009

As I said in my last post, I have found and old note book of talks that I did with my old youth group. Here's a talk I did in 2005 for Tonypandy Christian Union. As you can see, very topical. Can't believe that was four years ago.

There is much mystery surrounding the story of Valentines day. Valentine was at one time a very common name amongst Christians in Rome. In fact there were at least a few instances of Saints called Valentine being Martyred for their stand on particular issues to do with their Christian faith.

In A.D 270 , the emperor in Rome was Claudius II. He was only the emperor for 2 years then he died of smallpox. As was the tradition with Roman Emperors he wanted to be immortalised as Divine. In other words he wanted people to worship Him. Part of the law that he wanted to pass was to outlaw Christian worship and to outlaw marriage.

St Valentine stood up against these laws. He believed that people should be free to love God and to marry each other as the Bible taught. Valentine continued to Marry people and to worship the true creator God. In the end he was beaten, stoned and finally decapitated.

When in prison waiting to be executed, it is said that St Valentine fell in love with the jailers daughter. The night before his execution Valentine sent her a final farewell note. He signed it ‘From Your Valentine’.

Discussion points:

Have a look at Matthew 19 v 4-6 it tells how marriage should be. Discuss how the Creator intended marriage to be.
The creator made them male and female, a man will be united to his wife, they will become one and no man should try to separate them.

Valentines day in our culture has become more to do with Eros love, how does this differ from what St Valentine stood up for all those years ago.

What was the cost for St Valentine when he stood up for his faith?

What legislation should we be defending or standing up against in our society today?